It is a non-invasive procedure for the face that combines deep cleansing, exfoliation and infiltration of different serums or solutions to obtain relaxed skin, with a fresh, healthy appearance and greater luminosity.


It is the most suitable aesthetic treatment to correct the possible consequences that acne leaves on our skin, as well as skin aging and facial hyperpigmentation. It is a technique of physical and superficial exfoliation of the skin.


Professional beauty treatment that consists of applying ultrasound through a machine to those areas of the skin with wrinkles, expression lines or spots to completely regenerate the first layers of the dermis.


It is a semi-permanent makeup technique, whose objective is to completely correct or reconstruct a hairless or absent eyebrow, creating hairs in an artistic way, creating a hyper-realistic and natural effect.


It is ideal for those people who want to show off marked and more defined eyebrows. It is semi-permanent and with visibly natural results.


Lip blush is like a kind of semi-permanent lipstick; a digital pen-like device that traces a tint around the edges of your lips, leaving a full color that fills in the gaps and crevices of your natural skin. As a result, lips look fuller and more defined.


Technique used to define the eye contour. It is applied around it to create a variety of aesthetic illusions.


Stylish makeup, for your best clothes and social activities, both for day and night.

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